Tutorials.....where to start?
I enjoy teaching others how to create art. My sister always says that I got all the "creative genes" in the family but I don't think that's really true. No matter how unartistic, uncreative, or uncoordinated (sorry sis) you think you are...you can create beautiful things.
A Freeform Abstract Acrylic Painting |
Here, in my opinion, is what it takes:
- First, a desire and a passion for something.
- The right tools-so important (more about this in later posts).
- Learning through workshops, tutorials, videos or books.
- Trial and error and some practice.
- Have fun....if it's not fun it's not working.
The question I have for YOU is what would you like to learn about? Please let me know in the comments below.
I've tested glues, gesso, markers, paints, pens, watercolor graphite pencils, papers...you name it!
My goal is to create some short FREE tutorials on the blog to hopefully inspire you to try something new OR try your hand at art for the first time. But, I would like to know what YOU would like to learn.
So, please leave a comment below with your suggestions for tutorial topics!
Thanks for stopping by!