Thursday, June 26

"Creating Art at the Speed of Life" Lesson 7: Multitasking Media

Lesson 7 of Pam Carriker's book is using different media together in one piece.  I discovered something I really like in this one and will take some time to pursue.  Acrylic and watercolors when dripped with alcohol make very interesting patterns. 

But what I really loved about this one was painting over and shading of the female figure in a very loose and abstract way. It was just a B&W copy of a line drawing, but I like it much better this way. 

The page on the left, overall, is too dark, but I can change that next time.  I like the dark blue over the yellow, you get some nice greens.

This photo does not look nearly as bright and good as it does in person or on my camera. Guess I'll just put that down to operator error, but I love it just the same.  More figures to come.....

Also, my two new best friends, color wise, are Nickel Azo Gold (used here...the rusty color) and Green Gold.  They just seem to go with everything.  

So, lesson 7 down, 23 to go. I hope I can make it.  

As always, thank you so much for stopping by!!

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