Wednesday, June 25

"Creating Art at the Speed of Life" Lesson 6: Texture

Okay, lesson 6 is the start of textures.  This was made with a very wet page wash and plastic wrap crinkled up between the pages.  Close the book and let dry.  Open it and you have some cool texture to doodle on. 

Full layout!

Can I just say I LOVE the look of the little added shadow to my black and white lines!  Such a simple thing can create such depth. 

I LOVE the dept a little shadow can give.  If you look closely you can see the plastic wrap texture. 

If I were to do anything differently I'd make sure my wash is MUCH, MUCH darker!  I think the texture would show up more then.  I used pan pastels and punchinella for the dots.  And any mixed media page can always be improved with a little dramatic black/white work in my humble opinion. 

Feel free to add your own texture techniques below!
Thanks for stopping by!

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