Saturday, June 14

Creating Art at the Speed of Life

I am working my way through Pam Carriker's new book "Creating Art at the Speed of Life."   These pages include Lessons 1 & 2. 

Lesson 1: Color wheel on a coffee filter.

I've read through the entire book and it's a very good tutorial for getting started in art journaling.  It covers several background techniques and covers various media.  It even includes a tutorial on making the journal out of watercolor paper.

As always, Pam's work is gorgeous and I plan to work through the entire book, posting photos along the way, to pick up and practice some new techniques.   You're never too old to learn new things.  If you are not familiar with Pam Carriker, check her out. She all over the place!  But below is the link to her Facebook page.

Below are pics of the page in progress.

I'd love to hear from all you art journalers out there on how you create backgrounds for your pages or any special techniques you use. 

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S.  Thanks to my friend Catherine for the coffee filters. 

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