Tuesday, June 10

Art Inspiration from Catherine's Garden

I'm visiting my friend Catherine in NC this week.  She has the most beautiful backyard so I thought I'd share some photos with you of her handiwork.

Cute little vignettes like this hidden all over. 

Lacecap Hydrangeas
Gorgeous Hostas!

A sneak peak into her potting area. 

More lacecap hydrangeas against her slate wall.

Oakleaf Hydrangea under her front stoop windows.

See what I mean! Gorgeous.  Wish I had a week to just sit back there and do some watercolors.  I'm definitely taking photos back to paint from when I get home.

We antiqued today in Asheboro, NC, so I could find more supplies for my collages and assemblages. I'll share pics of our day and what we found tomorrow.  It was a great day!

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